Hey my dear!Today I come to you with holy fasting. As you can see in the photos, the weather is not too Easter, so the outfit had to be a bit warmer. I'm wearing a pink coat from reserved. boots from h & m, a handbag from Guess,...
Hey my beloved!Today I come to you with a new post. As you know, because I have written about it more than once about the body of acceptance, I am no stranger to me. Of course, don't get me wrong - it does not promote obesity...
Hey my beloved!I had a slight break from blogging again. Unfortunately, everyday, world, private and health situations still distract me from blogging regularly, which makes me very sad, but unfortunately some situations have...
Hey my beloved!I come to you today with a new post, the first one in 2022!As you can see in the pictures, I had snow and a nice winter, but it lasted very shortly and now we have 5-10 degrees C and continuous rain, which is...