Hej moi kochani!
Przychodzę dziś do was z nowym postem i od razu na wstępie chciałabym zaznaczyć że zdjęcia były zrobione 11 marca kiedy to zamknęli nam uczelnie i wracaliśmy do domu z miast w których studiujemy :D
Szczerze to mimo ciągłego zmęczenia i narzekania na nadmiar zajęć to bardzo brakuje mi uczelni, zajęć i podróży pociągiem co weekend do domu i potem znów na uczelnie. Ale wiem że musi tak być i ciągle myślę o dniu kiedy to wszyscy wrócimy do naszych codziennych zajęć i będzie jak kiedyś.
Możecie się zastanawiać dlaczego co weekend wracałam do domu z miasta w którym studiuje, a to dlatego że bardzo lubię swoje miasto i swój pokój w rodzinnym domu, lubię rodzinnie chodzić na zakupy, do kościoła mojego no i mam tu samochód a tam nie :D W dodatku bardzo lubię jeżdzić pociągiem i ta podróż trwa 1,5 h więc to dla mnie idealny czas na chwilkę odpoczynku i obejrzenie jakiegoś serialu :D
A wy po przeprowadzce na studia lubiliście wracać do swojego rodzinnego domu ? Dajcie znać w komentarzach jak to u was wygląda lub wyglądało lub jak macie zamiar robić w przyszłości!

Hey my love
I come to you today with a new post and at the beginning I would like to point out that the photos were taken on March 11 when they closed our colleges and we were returning home from the cities where we study: D
Honestly, despite constant fatigue and complaining about excess classes, I really miss college, classes and train travel every weekend home and then back to universities. But I know it must be like this and I am constantly thinking about the day when we will all return to our daily activities and it will be as it used to be.
You may wonder why every weekend I came back home from the city where I study, and this is because I really like my city and my room in my family home, I like to go shopping in the family, I have a car here and I don't have a car here: DW I really like to travel by train and this journey lasts 1.5 hours so it's perfect time for me to rest and watch a series: D
And you, after moving to study, liked to go back to your family home? Let me know in the comments how it looks or looks like or what you intend to do in the future!



Hej moi kochani!
Na początek zaznaczam że zdjęcia z posta są z mojej galerii w telefonie i były zrobione w grudniu, z powodu natłoku różnych zajęć nie miałam czasu ich dodać a że teraz siedzę w domu i mam ku temu sposobność to to robię aby się "nie zmarnowały" :D
Z racji tego, że w środę zamknęli moją uczelnie oraz wszytskie szkoły i uniwesytety oraz przedszkola w Polsce mam wolne i jestem u siebie w moim rodzinnym mieście. Jak wiecie bo teraz chyba trudno nie wiedzieć już chyba cały świat ogarnął koronawirus. Nie chcę wam teraz jednak dodawać postów o tym ani pisać wiele bo każdy wie jak jest. Chciałam tylko powiedzieć a raczej przypomnieć abyście jeżeli macie taką możliwość ZOSTALI W DOMU i dbali o siebie, bo nasze zdrowie i naszych bliskich jest najważniejsze i żadne pieniądze nie są w stanie go kupić!
Napiszcie jak sytacja wygląda w waszych krajach czy miastach oraz jakie jest wasze nastawienie. Ja jestem świadoma powgi sytuacji ale nie panikuje i wam też polecam takie nastawienie!
Z racji tego, że mam dużo czasu posty na pewno będę dodawać dużo cześciej niż to było ostatnimi czasy, bo teraz czasu to mam aż nadto!
Napiszcie jakie wy macie pomysł na spędzanie tego czasu w domu!
Ja w najbliższych dniach też będę dodwać różne moje propozycje na organizacje czasu bez wychodznia z domu.
Buziaki !

Hey my love
At the beginning I note that the photos from the post are from my gallery on the phone and were taken in December, due to the sheer volume of activities I did not have time to add them and that now I am sitting at home and I have the opportunity to do it so that I do not "wasted": D
Due to the fact that on Wednesday they closed my universities and all schools and universities as well as kindergartens in Poland, I have free time and I am at my home town. As you know, because now it is probably hard not to know, probably the whole world has enveloped the coronavirus. However, I don't want to post you about it now or write much because everybody knows how it is. I just wanted to say or rather remind you that if you have the opportunity STAY AT HOME and take care of yourself, because our health and our loved ones are the most important and no money can buy it!
Write what the situation looks like in your countries or cities and what is your attitude. I am aware of the seriousness of the situation but I do not panic and I recommend you this attitude!
Due to the fact that I have a lot of time posts I will definitely add more often than it was recently, because now I have too much time!
Write what ideas you have to spend this time at home!
In the coming days I will also be adding my various suggestions for organizing time without leaving home.
Kisses !

What is the digestion time for different foods and how does this process work?

What is the digestion time for different foods and how does this process work?

Digestion is one of the basic processes occurring in the human body. Its purpose is to obtain energy necessary for the functioning of the body. The digestive system is the digestive tract and digestive organs, primarily the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. This system performs various functions, including food intake, mechanical and chemical decomposition, transport of food content, absorption of nutrients or removal of toxic substances from the blood. In addition, he is also responsible for producing antibodies or maintaining water balance. Do you know, however, how long it takes for individual foods to digest and how does the process work?
Hey my love
Due to the fact that I study dietetics and I am very interested in topics such as healthy diet, sport, healthy lifestyle, I would like to start adding posts on these topics. I hope that the posts will be interesting and useful.
At first glance, I took the topic of digestion. Because yes everyone knows that there is such a thing but how it goes, what exactly does this process look like? How much food is in our body? I hope you find the answers to these questions here! :)

From the mouth to the intestines

The first stage of the digestion process is the crushing of food in the mouth, from where the food content goes to the stomach producing gastric juices. The composition of gastric juice contains digestive enzymes, gastric mucus and hydrochloric acid responsible, among others, for the reduction of microorganisms. Liquid foods do not stop in the stomach, medium-hearty meals remain in it for 1-2 hours, and very hearty even 5-7 hours. From the stomach, the food content goes to the duodenum, which is the initial segment of the small intestine. Here, the pancreas and liver ducts escape. Bile produced by the liver helps to break down fats, while pancreatic juice contains important digestive enzymes responsible, among others, for the end of the protein breakdown process and the breakdown of polysaccharides. The next stage is the entry of food pulp into the small intestine, where the absorption process begins. The final stage of the process is entering the large intestine of undigested food residues, which are excreted in the form of feces. In addition to food debris (including fiber), feces also include water, dyes, mineral salts and microorganisms.

How long does digestion take?

The digestion time of food usually lasts about 24 hours, but it is an individual matter and depends on the food consumed. If a bowel movement occurs less than 2 times a week, then there is constipation. How long the process lasts mainly depends on whether the food is light or hard to digest, to a lesser extent on individual inclinations. Easily digestible foods include, for example, dairy products, i.e. yogurt, white cheese or buttermilk, lean meat, fish, rice or semolina. On the other hand, fried meat, nuts, processed cheese and fast food are difficult to digest. And so coffee with milk is digested in the stomach for about 1.5 hours, egg 2 hours, and pork chop even 4 hours. Legumes, although healthy, weigh the stomach for 4-5 hours, bread, veal or beef for 3-4 hours, and poultry, vegetables and fish for 2-3 hours. So it's worth composing your meals to diversify them into various products and not to burden the digestive system. It is therefore important to remember about the correct digestion time and to observe regularity in terms of bowel movements.
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