Hey my love After my last winter post, unfortunately, I haven't seen more winter :( It's a pity, because these were beautiful views, as you haven't seen, be sure to see! And today, because we are almost the end of January and I started...
land of ice

land of ice

Hey my dear Today I come to you with an extremely white and snowy post! This is definitely the whitest post on this blog. On the last Friday of December, I decided with my friends to go to the mountains and more specifically in the...


Hey loved ones! I come to you today with a new post. This time about nails. Now there is such a big craze for beautiful, colorful, decorated, long nails that I honestly admit that it got to me and I went crazy about nails myself....


ENG : Hey my dear I come to you with a new post. Today I would like to talk a little bit about something other than usual. Namely, the topic can be said more technological. As a student, I know how important technological gadgets,...
Prom dresses from simple-dress

Prom dresses from simple-dress

Hey my love Today I come to you with a new post this time prom. I have the impression that the craze for prom dresses is getting bigger every year. Girls dream of more and more beautiful dresses, those that will be unique and those...
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