Dresslily - haul

Dresslily - haul

Hey guys! I wanted to share with you my little haul from one of my favorite sites - Dresslily. This time I ordered a very nice and warm, brown vest and a beautiful, elegant dress in price lists. I am very happy with both. The vest...
Femmeluxe haul

Femmeluxe haul

Hey guys! I come to you today with a new post. This time it's a haul from the femmeluxe website. I placed an order recently and really great stuff came to me very quickly. The first thing is trousers, exactly light beige cream tracksuits...
the last rays of the sun

the last rays of the sun

Hey guys! I come to you today with a new post! I am glad that recently I managed to take these photos because from that day it is still gray, sad and foggy. I really don't like such a sad autumn. Especially in these times she is very...
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