Last warm days

Last warm days

Hey my love I come to you today with a new post. On Sunday I was with my boyfriend in the castle park in the town that is nearby us. As you can see the weather was divine, the sun was shining beautifully. Unfortunately, autumn is...
My Name Necklace

My Name Necklace

Hey my love I come to you today with a new post. I hope you are happy that I came back to the blog and I often publish posts! Because I am very happy about it. Today I wanted to talk to you about jewelry. I don't know about you but...


Hey my dear, what's up? How was your holiday Do you have anything to remember? Because I have, I was this year at the seaside, the beautiful and wonderful sea. I love sea. If someone asks what you prefer mountains or the sea I definitely...


Hey my love Today I come to you with a new post. We have the end of summer, autumn is coming, a beautiful time. As we know, the main wedding period is summer and more specifically holiday. But we know sometimes we want to get married...
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